Internships & Interns
Practitioners of alternative therapies and individuals interested in the modalities we offer can have individual mentorship and less formal tutoring sessions. Nashalla welcomes others to organize classes. She will also come teach in groups or programs. She enjoys teaching parents how to involve their children in self-care as well as how to apply acupressure techniques to their children.
In order to do an internship style learning within the clinic you must have completed a certain number of years study in the modality, or pass a test showing qualification. You also must be licensed or certified in bodywork in some capacity in order to learn hands on modalities. It is up to the discretion for the doctor to determine if you are ready for such a internship and a contract on ethical obligations regarding any training you receive must be signed.
Mentoring and tutoring appointments must be made in the clinic and can set up be in 15 minuet increments for discussions around career path or inqury about internships.
Thinking about studying or interested in an internship? You need to have a completed application sent in along with the required letters of recomendaton and your CV before scheduling a interview and inquiry for internship.
Download the Application: Clinical Internship Application
Request teachings and Lectures form: Request for Teachings & Lectures
Teachings & Internships
Qualified candidates are those with training in Traditional Tibetan Medicine.
Those seeking training in The Sowa Birthing Method™ must have a license to touch, as midwives, doulas or massage therapists.
Teaching Nun’s in Kathmandu Acupuncture