Nashalla G. Nyinda TMD, Menpa, M Acu. & LMT
Menpa Nashalla Gwyn Nyinda
Dr. Nashalla Gwyn Nyinda, Menpa TMD, MA Acu, LMT began the study of Tibetan Medicine in 1999 and treating with permission in 2004. With a foundation in multiple Asian healing systems she was encouraged by her root teacher, Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche to continue her Tibetan medical studies in India at the Chagpori Institute Clinic.
Nashalla’s Menpa degree (Doctor of Tibetan Medicine) was conferred by Qinghai Tibetan Medical College, Tibet and The Shang Shung Institute of Tibetan Medicine in 2009. Her Interdisciplinary Studies BA from Naropa University, focused on Asian Medicines and Buddhist Psychology. Her Masters in Classical Five-Element Acupuncture is from The Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture. Nashalla taught as an Adjunct Professor at Naropa University for many years and currently teaches healing techniques worldwide, as well as accepts limited interns in her clinic. Locally she teaches Buddhism at the Rocky Mountain Thrangu Center, and other Dharma Centers.
Following undergraduate coursework, she studied in a one year internship course in Plant Spirit Medicine with Eliot Cowen. Certified as a teacher of the TARA Approach in 2004, she actively taught this Japanese acupressure system and mentoring practitioners who became Asian healing modalities as well as translating this into Tibetan and teaching this in Asia.
Her published work on Tibetan healing modalities and Buddhism can be found on Academia or Research Gate websites. She founded the Sowa Birthing Method ™ to help reduce medical interventions and Postpartum Depression for new and expectant mothers. She is the director of the Nyinda Clinic of Tibetan Medicine & Holistic Healing Clinic in Boulder, Colorado USA and the president of Chagpori US, a 501c3 non-profit, acting as the USA support branch for the Chagpori Tibetan Medical Institute in Asia.